January 8, 2019

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Vice-chairman Jim Pavik at 5:02 p.m. He welcomed everyone and explained that Chairman Steve Wilson was away on winter vacation.

ATTENDING: Nancy Fisher, Sue Jennette, Reed Lawson, Jim Pavik and Dick Pogue. Also present were Bette Dillehay, library director, Greg Lewis, head of technology services, and Molly Broderson, president of the Friends of the Library. Steve Wilson and Board of Supervisors representative Edwina Casey were absent.

MINUTES: The minutes of the November 13, 2018 board meeting were approved as presented.

REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR: The attached financial report covers the two-month period ending Jan. 8, 2019. Also attached is the Activity Report in numbers for December 2018. The Adult Computer Use figure was changed from 0 to 280.
Operational expenses totaled $23,601.60. Unencumbered operating funds totaled $78,470.44; subtracting the $14,542 C4K Leadership Grant leaves $63,928.44. The current number of patrons, purged during the last two-month period, through December 2018 is 9,567.
Salaries and Related Expenses were given as of Dec. 1, 2018, for the first five-month period of FY 2018-2019.
In personnel concerns, Bette noted the $9500 increase in the county budget that accommodates the addition of part-time staff in youth services. Carol Owens will work with Carol McCormack in this area. Ms. Dillehay complimented the staff on a most successful and busy holiday season at the library, from decorating, staffing the many programs to un-decorating. Approximately 280 people participated in one or more programs. Maude Donovan, Carol McCormack and Greg Lewis created the winning entry in the Christmas parade, the float best representing the theme of "Tales of Christmas." Molly praised the concert featuring Ambrosia Quartet; 82 people attended. (See attached report.)

REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS: Molly reported that approximately 40 people attended the November general meeting, a 4:00 p.m. high tea organized by Joyce McKelvey. Children from the summer program, sponsored by the Friends, prepared a power point presentation on their experiences last July. Maurice Levis has completed his term on the board; Dana Brown is the newest member. The slate of officers to be presented at the next meeting is President - Molly Broderson, Vice-president - Mary Whitley, Secretary - Jan Towne, Treasurer - Paul DeBois. The budget is being finalized now. The recent fundraising campaign netted approximately $18,000. The finance committee will discuss dispersals. Molly commended the FOL board and explained that the Friends organization functions similarly to the way PTAs support schools. Bette added that it follows Virginia State Library guidelines and has two goals - fundraising and advocacy.

OLD BUSINESS: The elimination of overdue fees for young people up to 13 years of age commenced the first of the year. It is too soon to have feedback. There is an Internship Fair at Mathews High School on Jan. 9, 2019, to which MML staff will go. The library is seeking interns to learn to digitize archival material. In reference to Dick's suggestion that MML be involved in informing the public about the impending expansion of Medicaid coverage, he reported that Arlene Armentor, Executive Director of the GM Care Clinic, had spoken with Tiffany Gordon, Director of Mathews Co. Department of Social Services, both of whom would be happy to cooperate in putting on such a program at MML.

NEW BUSINESS: MML has received notification dated Dec. 20, 2018, that the U.S. Dept. of Education Office of Civil Rights is opening an investigation of the library in order to assess compliance with Federal civil rights laws with respect to accessibility of the website and online programs to individuals with disabilities. Greg explained that a complaint was received by that agency about the library website which triggered a compliancy review. He cited several examples including images without captions and unlabeled buttons. He sees this as an opportunity to improve services. He will continue to review the website to update what can be done now. It may involve implementing a new website template that is more ADA-compliant. Outside firms such as Audioeye and SiteImprove may offer remediation options. The cost is unknown but such expenses would fall under budget item 3000 Professional Services/Training or 3160 Computer/Installation & Maintenance. MML does have adaptive devices for the disabled. Bette has been unable to contact the agency because of governmental closures. (See attached for full report.)
The Proposed Budget FY 2019-2020 was outlined by Bette. There are few increases except for the $9500 for salaries. Low salaries for staff continue to be a problem in that money spent for training is lost when trained staff move to higher-paying, more attractive, positions elsewhere. Dick moved; Sue seconded; motion carried to adopt the budget to be presented to county administration on Jan. 11, 2019. (See attached budget.)


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 12, 2019. .
Submitted by Reed Lawson, Secretary
Attachments to the official record as stated.