November 13, 2018

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Steve Wilson, chairman, at 5:00 p.m. He welcomed new member Nancy Fisher to the board. Retired member Mary Sampson was invited to receive a certificate of appreciation for her eight years of service, but she was unable to attend. The September meeting was cancelled due to the mandatory evacuation ordered by the governor.
ATTENDING: Nancy Fisher, Sue Jennette, Reed Lawson, Jim Pavik, Dick Pogue and Steve Wilson. Also present were Bette Dillehay, library director, and Molly Broderson, president of the Friends of the Library. Edwina Casey was absent.
MINUTES: The minutes of the July 10, 2018 board meeting were approved as presented. Jim moved and Sue seconded.
REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR: The attached report covers the two-month period ending Nov. 13, 2018. Also attached are the Operating Expenditures Report as of Nov. 13, 2018, and the Activity Report in numbers for October 2018.
Operational expenses totaled $15,043.39. Unencumbered operating funds totaled $101,890.04. The current number of patrons through October is 12,123. Salaries and Related Expenses were given as of Oct. 1, 2018; the two recent pay period figures have been slow in coming in. As a matter of note, part time employees do not receive paid leave or hospitalization.
In personnel concerns, an announcement will be made next week on the person hired to fill the part time position in youth services. Employment will begin Dec. 3rd. The Director highly praised the staff for their perseverance during the recent boiler problems affecting the main section and youth areas of the library.
Fall programs have been most successful. Two prizes, awarded for window displays during the October Howlapaloosa, went to Moughon's for creativity and Trendmasters as the People's Choice. The Director highlighted the Speak-Up book club for fourth, fifth and sixth graders sponsored by Carol McCormack and former teacher Marlene Moore, the two November book talks, the activities associated with the upcoming Christmas Magic at Mathews Memorial Library and the January 2019 book talk to be given by author Earl Swift, discussing Chesapeake Requiem.
Discussion followed on Dick's suggestion that MML be involved in informing the public about the impending expansion of Medicaid coverage which will affect many in Mathews. Bette will follow up on ways the library can be a resource to make information available. (See attached.)

REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS: Molly reported the General Meeting, "Through the Looking Glass with the FOL", will take place tomorrow at the library. Participants in the 2018 summer program will share their experiences. Joyce McKelvey is organizing high tea for the event. The Book Store is doing well, almost at the $14,000 goal for the year. The Maree Morgan Volunteer Service Award will be given to Neil Webre and Annie Wortham who transport books that can't be used here to Baltimore. The membership goal of 400 members has been achieved; Joyce McKelvey chairs the membership committee. The quarterly newsletter has been sent out; the board is analyzing whether to continue using email or mail hard copies as was done in the past. Editor Mary Whitley is stepping down; Joi Ball will replace her. Account investments, managed by Jay Black, are doing well. Dana Brown is taking Maurice Levis' place as a member of the Board of Directors.
OLD BUSINESS: Question and discussion ensued on how low library salaries are. Bette stated that the Board of Supervisors understands our concerns and that the present environment is not favorable for revisiting the need for an increase. The FOL cannot fund salaries. In reference to financial accounts, it was affirmed that excess funds can be carried over to the next year, excluding state aid funding.
NEW BUSINESS: It was approved by the board to eliminate overdue fees for young people up to 13 years of age. Reed moved; Dick seconded. Fee guidelines will be formulated and shared with the board.
Mathews High School administrative and guidance staffs are developing an internship program that all graduating seniors must complete. MML is planning to seek interns to learn to digitize archival material. Prospective students will be interviewed for the semester-long term. No compensation is given.
The chairman announced the slate of officers for 2019: Chair- Steve Wilson; Vice-chair- Jim Pavik and Secretary- Reed Lawson. Dick moved and Nancy seconded approval of the slate as presented. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 8, 2019. .
Submitted by Reed Lawson, Secretary
Attachments to the official record as stated.