September 8, 2020

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Steve Wilson at 5:15 p.m. Steve welcomed Carolyn Taylor, who replaced Reed Lawson, back to the BOT.

ATTENDING: Sue Jennette, Jim Pavik, Carolyn Taylor, Dick Pogue, and Jackie Ingram. Also present were Bette Dillehay, library director, and Joi Ball, president of the Friends of the Library. Absent was Nancy Fisher.

MINUTES: The minutes of the March 10, 2020 board meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Dick Pogue and a second by Jim Pavik. The BOT resolved not to hold scheduled board meetings for May 5 and July 14 due to COVID-19 meeting restrictions established by the state and county.

REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR: Bette Dillehay welcomed back the BOT members. Prior to the start of the meeting, Bette gave the BOT members a brief library tour highlighting what the Mathews Library has done to continue serving the community during COVID-19. Bette distributed her report in advance of the meeting. The report included the financial and activity data for the two-month period ending September 1, 2020. (See attached reports.)

Financial Report
Current Reporting Period.

Information presented in the current financial report is a statement of resources and expenses for a two-month period ending September 1, 2020. Operational expenses for the bi-monthly period and year-to-date totaled $21,709.53, representing a 30.25% increase over the same period for operating expenditures for FY 2019-20. Operating expenses, excluding budgeted funds for C4K totaling $17,481.00, were 17.7% of total operating budget with unencumbered funds totaling $101,316.47 (not including C4K funds). Expenditures for this period include two major items - The annual service fee for Auto-graphics, an integrated library management system, and EBSCO - the annual periodical subscription fee. Purchases of books were also higher due to increased demand from patrons. Bette asked Jackie Ingram to check with the BOS for the current C4K data for the two-month period ending September 1, 2020.

Salaries and Related Expenses.
The amount budgeted for salaries and related benefits for FY 2020-2021 is $281,893, or $23,491 per month. A report providing data for the report period is not yet available from the office of the county administrator. As reported in July, the approved FY2020-2021 budget included a 5.6% increase in salaries and wages for full-time staff and a 3.9% increase in the salary and wages for the director. Meanwhile, salaries and wages for part-time personnel were reduced by $2,049. This reduction may Page 2 of 3

be explained by changes in staff designation from part-time; however, a request has been made to the County Administrator to review the matter with the Board of Supervisors.

Information on the number of patrons now stands at 9,757. Thirty (30) new patrons have been added since the library re-opened on June 15th.
The number of patrons allowed to be in the library at any one time is 20. This figure is maintained via a sign-in system located at both front and rear entrance to the library. During the report period (July and August 2020), 1,536 visits to the library were recorded.
The library is not collecting overdue fees at this time due to COVID-19.

The library has, in addition to the director, a total of eight (8) staff members - four (4) full-time and four (4) part-time. With the absence of volunteers since the beginning of April, staff members performed all library duties, including desk coverage. To maintain energy and enthusiasm, each staff member has been given the opportunity to work remotely one day a week. To date, this plan has proven effective.

Current Activities Status
The library has concentrated on sponsoring activities that are intended to assist patrons in coping with the current pandemic situation. They include:

MML Youth Book Mobile - The book mobile was launched for young readers to encourage reading and provide access to resources when transportation to the library was an issue. Six locations were visited, with three targeted each Thursday during July and August. The average number of visitors each week to each bookmobile site was five, not counting adults. The book mobile operates from 10-12pm. Adult books have been added for the adults.

POMS (Parents of Mathews Students) - The staff recognizes the challenges faced by parents and children as the school year begins. POMS is a program intended to provide a setting where parents can share issues and ideas in their goal of creating a space at home that meets the challenges of educating their children. Parents were asked to register and were invited to an initial meeting on Thursday, September 3rd at 9:30 a.m. Additional meetings will be scheduled to avoid crowding and to maintain continuous support as needed.

Several other initiatives of interest occurred:

Census 2020 - The library responded to a request from the County Administrator to take the lead in supporting and encouraging individuals to register. At the time, only 32.8% of Mathews County residents had submitted information. A dedicated computer kiosk that meets the Census Bureau security requirements was made available. The library also provides a 24-hour secure dedicated Wi-Fi point for Census participation. These services provide "Guest" access without the need for a library card.

ZOOM Support - Library book clubs and other organizations reached out to library technical staff for support in conducting meetings remotely. This includes the Resource Council and other civic organizations.
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Confederate Monument - Not unlike most Virginia communities (and elsewhere), Mathews has been brought into the debate regarding the removal of Confederate monuments. Approached by the County Administrator, Becky Barnhardt was assigned to undertake the task of researching the history surrounding the monument located on the historic court square. The research included library archival files, newspapers and records located in the county clerk's office. Results of the research most recently appeared in the August 27, 2020, issue of the Gazette Journal in an article on the subject.

Joi Ball inquired if the Library had a Zoom account that could be used for their Friends meetings. Bette informed her they did, and they were welcome to use it for that purpose. Joi stated that the Book Store is open and doing a great business. Book donations are up and they are very busy. A fundraising letter will be going out this fall. Donations and the Book Store are the primary way they get money to support the Library. The Library received a thorough cleaning thanks to funds from the Friends. Again, this year the Mathews fourth graders received a book (PAX), hopefully to encourage them to read and use the Library.

Library Budget. The director did not see any problems at this time.
Letter of Commendation. Steve Wilson presented a draft letter of commendation to Reed Lawson for the BOT's approval.


Nominating Committee. Steve Wilson and Carolyn Taylor will serve on the 2020 Nominating Committee to develop a slate of candidates for the BOT officer positions. The slate will be presented to the BOT for approval and vote during the 10 November BOT meeting.

Dick Pogue stated that, due to ongoing health issues, he is submitting his resignation at the end of the year.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, 2020.

Submitted by Sue Jennette, Acting Secretary

Attachments to the official record as stated.